Vive memor quam sis aevi brevis.

Friday 28 January 2022


Ugh. i have yet to sort & edit the pics i saved in my computer- i lost so many when my old desktop crashed, so i really do not trust any electronic device or memory storage, but hate to get buried in paper & physical artifacts. Last night i threw out a large box of old photos of my late ex's family. i don't know why i (or she) had kept them- maybe because i imagined her surviving sibling or our daughter may have wanted them... but since my ex & her brother were both adopted, they really had no connexion to those people- even as ghosts, neither did i, and my daughter didn't seem to want them either. There's an album of old family pics my late brother kept and despite my urgings he never got around to listing for me who exactly everyone was (our grandparents and many aunts, uncles, & cousins were dead before i was born. only my siblings ever knew them.) i have not yet brought myself to look at them since i inherited that archive. It may be best to accept the Principle of Impermanence and let go, but it's not easy.